FiT PRiNT Orlando

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How to Start Training Power After 50?

Is it possible to start training your power after 50?

If you think it’s too late - you’ve been lied to!!! :)

It's never a bad time to embark on a journey to a stronger, more resilient you. 

If you're over 50 and eager to explore the world of power training, we've got the perfect guide to help you get started on this path!

Safety First

Prioritize your well-being by consulting with a healthcare provider before diving into any exercise program. Your health is our top priority!

Make sure you don’t have any underlining health concerns that have gone unnoticed.

A good thing to check is blood pressure. Which is also called the silent killer because you can be asymptomatic and not even notice anything off.

Smart Warm-Up

Begin each session with a warm-up that includes heart-pumping cardiovascular activities, dynamic stretches, and joint mobility exercises.

This will prepare your body for the exciting challenges ahead and allow your muscles, joints, and blood pressure to be ready for the demands of exercise.

Gradual Progress

Take it slow and steady – with an emphasis on proper form and technique.

Starting with bodyweight and lighter resistance based exercises lays the foundation for success before introducing higher levels of external resistance.

Then you can add more explosive exercises to the mix like box jumps, skips, ball slams, and single arm snatches just to name a few.

Holistic Approach

Engage multiple muscle groups with compound movements, mimic daily activities with functional exercises, and enhance stability with balance training.

Put a focus on movements that will enhance your quality of living. It should be a comprehensive approach tailored just for you!

Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to what your body is telling you.

Adequate rest, recovery, and consistency are the keys to unlocking lasting strength gains.

Expert Guidance

For a personalized touch, consider consulting with a fitness professional who can guide you on your unique fitness journey (aka FiTPRiNT😉).

We can help you create a blue print for your health & hotness. We’ll strategize which exercises will be appropriate for your fitness level, age, and overall health.

Schedule one today by clicking here!

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