Your Problem Isn't Junk Eating...It's This!

For some weird reason when people want to get healthy, their first thought is to cut out everything for x amount of days and to be honest - I think it's one of the worst things to do.

Like honestly, for what?

You starve yourself for a month and then you go back to eating everything you use to.

And to make matters worse, your body fights back at you harder from the extreme deprivation so you'll end up eating everything you avoided plus some.

The problem isn't necessarily your junk eating!

The problem is when you "fall off track" you don't get back on quickly, because you feel bad and you think all is lost even with one slip up.

⁣Then you internally call yourself lazy, fat, loser and everything you would never let someone else say.⁣

Then you think f*ck it and turn one indulgence into a blood bath of chocolate.⁣

blood bath of chocolate

STOP doing that to yourself you asshole! ⁣

Treat yourself better because you deserve to eat a piece of cake and be healthy - but you gotta stop being so damn impatient and short sighted.

Eating junk and enjoying food is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle.

Eating one thing that might not be deemed “healthy” isn’t going to instantly give you 10 pounds of FAT and ruin your progress, just like if you eat a salad I can promise you won’t scare the belly fat away.

Restricting yourself of everything, shaming yourself when you have something sweet, and falling into the perpetual cycle of all in or nothing is unhealthy and the main source of the problem.

Be patient, think bigger, think sustainable, and enjoy your life and the process of being healthy.

Want to Learn More About How We Can Help?

Join Fit Print

This membership is going to give you everything we offer at FiT PRiNT. ⁣

You’ll get some of your health & hotness aspirations on paper, solidify a few nutrition strategies to help you soar, record some baseline measurements, and get going with 3 sessions per week for the next 30 days. ⁣


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