The Meal Plan You Really Need to Start Losing Weight

Most people are looking for the next best thing.

Something to follow and feel successful.

The meal plan you really need to start losing weight is not actually a meal plan at all; that’s short-sighted and is honestly wasting your time.

As crazy as it sounds, you only need a couple of tweaks to what you’re currently doing that will give you substantial results - usually the best results.

The two pillars you need are assurance and accountability.

You need a new pair of eyes to look at what you’re doing.

  • A pair of eyes that actually gives a f%ck about you and doesn’t just want to make a quick buck.

  • A pair of eyes that truly want to see you happy.

You need clarity to let you know you’re doing exactly what you're supposed to. You need someone to tell you to stop caring about what everyone else is doing and worry about your goals, your life, and your next step.

It doesn’t matter what you do to see results if you can’t finish and follow through with it.

That’s 99% of people’s problems; it's not a new diet or workout.

Your problem is you can't commit and keep a promise to yourself!

You need accountability to show up consistently.

  • You need someone checking in.

  • You need someone pushing you when you feel like giving up or shifting gears.

  • You need someone in your corner.

And that's what we do!

We offer a free strategy assessment we call a Health & Hotness Session because we know how difficult it can be to know what to do.

If you feel lost and not even motivated to try again it's normal. This session will be a way we can discuss your frustrations, headaches, and find ways to help you finally take control.

Our primary mission is to bring clarity, autonomy, and a high level of discernment to each ninja we touch.

We want to help you get the body you desire without giving up your favorite foods that leave you worse off in the end.

If you feel like you’ve been looking for something to jump on and want to finally start keeping your promises and fulfilling your resolutions, this strategy session is for you.

You don’t need a new diet or workout plan.

You need someone who cares about you and your journey.

We promise to get you moving in the right direction.

Josh Jensen

Josh is an ACSM certified personal trainer, author, and ex-collegiate football player in the Central Florida area. His education includes a Bachelors of Science at The University of Central Florida, physical therapy undergrad courses and pre-clinical experience. Josh is ranked as one of the top 10 trainers in the Central Florida Gold’s Gym Franchise, specializing in fat loss. He is currently training out of the Dr. Phillips location. His philosophy is that training should be fun, stress-free and personalized to your life.


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