6 Secrets the Fitness Industry Doesn't Want You to Know

There are a few things the fitness industry doesn’t want you to know.

This might ruffle a few feathers and I’m okay with that if it helps someone make a better decision and have a more sustainable path to get healthy.

Fitness and nutrition is a billion-dollar industry capitalizing on emotions, frustrations, and ignorance.

So today I want to tackle six things that I think you should know so you have the power to get real results and be as consistent as humanly possible.

1/ You don't need to detox your body

glass of green detox

Your liver does it automatically. You're just wasting your time and money buying products that say they flush your system or reset your body.

There’s nothing your body needs to reset.

Instead, start a sustainable method of eating & drink enough water (1/2 your weight in ounces).

2/ Every diet that works, only works because of one thing...it somehow made you eat less food

brown dog sitting

There’s nothing special or super about many of these diets. And you’ll notice a lot of these always circulate back around through the years; Keto, Paleo, Mediterranean, and Dash etc to name just a few.

The key is to find a strategy for eating that aligns with your lifestyle and that you can sustain. That’s the long-term play that will change everything including the way you think about nutrition.

3/ Eating at night won't make you fat

girl eating at night

Your body doesn't care when you eat but rather how much total food you eat.

So yes, if you eat an entire bowl of popcorn with a coke and a bag of chocolate at night you won’t inherently just instantly gain weight - because when you eat these food options aren’t the problem.

It’s the excessive calories that’s making the difference in your waistline.

4/ You can't do exercises to target body fat

woman doing workout

I know it sucks right!

How great would it be to just work the area where we wanted to lose weight? But the problem is it doesn’t work like that…the same way you typically gain weight is how you’ll lose it.

If you tend to see your face gain weight quickly that will probably be where you lose it first. Where your weight comes off first is determined more by your genetics and gender than anything else.

The good news is you can build the muscle underneath the fat so when you do lose fat (mostly through diet) you'll have more tone in that area.

5/ Lifting weights won't inherently make you bulky

Kid wearing red polo

I get it!

Most women and even guys are worried they’ll get too big if they lift weights. This is a big concern that can stop people from strength training and here’s what you need to know.

If you're afraid you'll get too big, you can easily reduce the volume (not intensity) and monitor how your body responds. You can always adjust how many total reps and sets you’re doing to modified how much stimulus the body is getting.

But just remember, guys are busting their balls every day trying to gain 5 pounds and struggling. It’s harder than most people think to gain muscle.

What typically happens is people make exercise an excuse to eat more. So it’s usually not the exercise but rather the surplus of food that makes them get “bulky!”

6/ Doing a new workout every single session does absolutely nothing

woman holding a dumb bell doing workout

Muscle confusion is bogus and has no merit.

It’s a marketing concept that hasn’t been proven to show increases in strength, muscle growth, fat loss, and any real progress.

You're better off repeating a workout at least 5 times progressing through reps and weights each time.

That’s how you master your body, see huge changes, and get stronger!

You don’t need the newest instagram exercise to trick the muscle every workout to make some serious progress.

Need some help with your exercise & nutrition?

Schedule a health & hotness session and let us give you a few nuggets that will unlock clarity and strategy to get you through any obstacles you may be encountering.


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