How to Train Your Core During Pregnancy

Now that you have this precious cargo, you’re going to find doing some of your ab exercises on the ground is now a bit more challenging but that doesn’t mean you have to completely stop training your core.

It actually is the absolute best way to ensure a great birth and a speedy recovery after delivery.

My go-to core exercises are the bird dogs and the shoulder taps. ⁣

Instead of dropping to the floor and putting pressure on your tummy, I recommend you prop yourself up with a box or something elevated with a little cushion. ⁣

They require coordination and some core stiffness to resist rotation and avoid unnecessary movement. ⁣

Check out the video below.

Now you don’t only want to train and strengthen the anti-extension and anti-flexion based musculature, I recommend you start practicing your anti-rotation based movements.

And surprisingly, you’ll be doing a lot of this when the baby is here - holding him or carrying your diaper bag - so this will give you a nice head start at it.

Here’s how you can do it!

I hope this gave you an idea of all the amazing things your body can do!

If you feel like you need a little more support, we would love for you to come try us out with no strings attached.

Click below to schedule your first class!


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