3 Ways We’re Helping New Year’s Resolutions Stick

With 2022 here, many people have goals they want to tackle.

Research shows 90% of New Year’s Resolutions are fitness related.

The disappointing truth is that some people actually feel embarrassed or ashamed for having new year goals.

People might make fun of them because they’ve waited until the new years to take action.

Even regulars in some of the local big box gyms might complain about the increase in traffic from “newbies” and it’s actually unfortunate because getting started on a new fitness routine can be extremely intimidating. 

Research shows about 25% of people get past the first month and only 10% actually get through march. 

These statistics…well…suck!

There’s no easy way to say that.

There are nearly 300,000 people here in just Orlando, so it’s going to take a rigorous and collaborative effort to help people see their goals through.

>>> We just talked about this on Spectrum 13 News

There’s never a wrong time to want to improve yourself.

And the most beautiful thing about being a part of a community like FiT PRiNT is the people here are so encouraging and supportive and you literally feel that the moment you step in. 

We believe humans need 3 things to see their New Year’s Resolutions through:

1. Connect to a Fun & Encouraging Community

Fit Print community

You have two hands…one to help yourself and the second to help others.

People are intimidated and sometimes feel ashamed to start something that can be so uncomfortable, so having a welcoming community that embraces newcomers makes this process that already seems so daunting…much easier.

We’re lucky to have some amazing people—who don’t get paid to be so wonderful—go out of their way to make sure you know what to do and feel a part of our FiT PRiNT Family.

2. Be Able to See Progress Quickly

personal trainer Kim with Fit Print clients

When you know you’re improving, the chances of you sticking with anything sky rockets!

In our personal training, we make sure to document and access each of our ninjas’s (commonly know as clients) progress on their program so they can see and feel how they are making strides each week and/or month.

With our group classes, we go through a 4-week progressive program so ninjas can also recognize their strengths with specific exercises week to week.

3. Have a Simple Yet Highly Effective Strategy to Follow

personal trainer Kim assisting a client

Many people don’t spend time any time forecasting and getting crystal clear on what they want to accomplish. This is a BIG problem!

One of the things we do to keep accountability & goal setting at the forefront is what we call Snuggle Sessions. In these sessions, we check measurements (if they want of course) and also go over their BiG PRiNT which is essentially the goals they have set for the year, quarter, and month. 

Imagine if getting to your health & hotness goals were simple and all you had to do was follow the roadmap.

On February 28th, 2022 we will be launching our Fiercely Fit in Six Weeks Challenge. Which helps people who’ve been struggling with their weight—gain momentum and take control over their health.

Here are a few of the transformations over the years.

Over six weeks, you'll dive into a training program that will help you get toned, learn nutrition techniques that focus on losing stubborn fat while fueling your body to perform, and get snuggled by a team of loving humans who truly want you to succeed.

You can learn more by going here!


How to do Kegel Exercises


Enjoy Your Weekend & Still Get Gains